regular_2012liverpooltrainingjerseyblackThere is sometimes some confusion over official replica football shirts and the shirts from training kit ranges; these are known as training tops. More often than not manufacturers make training tops look very similar to replica shirts. By replica shirts we mean the shirts that football players wear, the official football shirts which are available to buy from many sports retailers. Footballers from the Premier League, La Liga, Serie A, Bundesliga and many more leagues wear these. However you will not get the latest football shirt cheap, prices of replica football shirts have gone up over the years and an adult shirt that now retails for £50 pound, sometimes slightly more and sometimes less. A child shirt usually costs around £35.99-40. The pressure for parents to pay for these shirts is high as the number of people purchasing them is growing.

Training kit has been around for years, this is the kit that players wear during football training, the kit is usually made from very lightweight material allowing players to train as hard as they wish without tiring easily. These kits are usually made from specific material too which aims to keep players comfortable during training. Nike for example use Dri-fit technology, this is designed to remove sweat from the body, as the body produces moisture the Dri-fit technology comes in to action to pump the moisture away to the outer surface and keep you comfortable and dry. Adidas use their own technology also, this is known as Climacool.

The difference in price between the replica football shirts and training tops from the training kit is quite large, kids official training tops can be around as much as £15 pound cheaper than a kids replica football shirt. Other products that can be purchased under 'training kit' include items like official presentation pants, all weather jackets, tracksuits and sweat tops. Some of these items can be pricey, especially for the full tracksuits for example an Arsenal sideline tracksuit. These usually retail for around £60 pound for a kids one. Pre-match tops are a popular choice of training top, these are worn by the players before they change in to their replica football shirts. An official adult pre-match top retails for around £35 pound upwards.

Not only can training kit be used for football training it is also useful for other activities during the day for example the Gym, the Dri-fit and Climacool technologies found in training tops will wick the sweat away from your body during your work out and leave you feeling as fresh as when you walked in. P.E and sport in schools is another example, as well as showing your support for your favourite team to your friends you can play sport in your training wear. Football training products are often very stylish looking, they are designed in the same way as the replica shirts and are often designed in the same colours. For example, taken from Barcelona's training wear, the Barcelona Blue training top, this has a great look, it is very similar to the Barcelona home shirt as the Barcelona crest, Nike logo and Qatar shirt sponsor are in the exact same places. A new manufacturer on the scene from the 2012/13 were Warrior, this brand designed Liverpool's home and away kit and training kit. They have some really stylish training wear to browse through.

Training kit is always made to look stylish so can be worn on most occasions, stand out and wear your favourite training top to the match instead of the replica shirt. Training related products are often manufactured using polyester or nylon materials, these are great for comfort, being lightweight and keeping dry.

So why pay more money for something so similar, made in the same way, with the same great technologies?
Let us know your opinions on replica shirts, replica kits and training tops/kits.

Emily writes exclusively for Soccer Box, here you can take a look through a wide range of training kit from a variety of clubs from the Premier League, National and International clubs.

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