Men’s Swimwear

If you are after a new pair of high-quality swimming trunks, then you are in the right place. Sourced from the likes of Speedo and Zoggs, all of our men’s swimwear has quality assured. Shop our variety of shorts and trunks and find the right fit and style you require here at Soccer Box. So, whether you are a seasoned swimmer or just starting out, you can find the perfect pair for you below.

Swimming for Men

Swimming is a superb way to keep fit and is often used by footballers as a way to get a full body workout without having to hit the gym. Not only is swimming a beloved summer holiday pastime, but it is also very beneficial to your health when carried out regularly. Here are some reasons why you should start swimming today:

  • Builds cardiovascular strength
  • Improves fitness
  • Tones muscles
  • Ideal for injury and muscle recovery
  • Helps relieve symptoms of health conditions
  • Great for weight loss
  • Can help improve sleep
  • Mood booster
  • Full body workout

Shopping for Men’s Swimming Trunks

When purchasing your new men’s swimming bottoms there are a variety of attributes you need to take into account to ensure that you order the best pair for you. By browsing our swimwear category, you can find a wide range of trunks from brands such as Speedo and Zoggs with the following specifications:

  • Elasticated waistband
  • Streamline waist
  • Loose fit
  • Slim fit
  • Chlorine resistant

Depending on how you want the shorts to fit, you can choose from an elasticated waistband or a streamline waist. These both give a secure fit around the waistline; however, the elasticated versions offer more movement and comfort as opposed to a slim fit styling. They both serve the same purpose, but it is personal preference how you prefer them to fit.

As well as the fit, you need to ensure that they are made out of a chlorine resistant material so that they can have a greater longevity to support your new swimming routine.

Ordering Your Swimwear at Soccer Box

As well as men’s swimming trunks, you can also shop our collection of ladies swimsuits, girls swimming costumes and boy’s shorts on our site too, and kit the entire family out in high-quality branded swimwear.

With our express global shipping services and click and collect method, you could be wearing your new swimming gear in a matter of days!

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